True Faith Tuesday Mark 11:20-26

The day after Jesus cursed the fig tree the disciples notice that it had withered and died, but as is their nature throughout Jesus’ teaching, the disciples missed the point of the lesson. We too can miss what Jesus is saying if we pick this text out of its context.


Jesus tells the disciples that just as He has cursed the tree and caused it to wither, so they will be able to move mountains if they have faith and believe. In fact, anything they believe without doubt will be done. Is Jesus teaching His disciples how to tap into the power of the cosmos and speak the impossible into reality? No, and to apply this text without first looking at the context will inevitably result in grave disappointment.


What is happening here? Jesus has just killed a fig tree with a word and cleansed the temple out of His rage. Now, He is telling His disciples that they can move mountains but they have to forgive their enemies before they can be forgiven.


Understand the flow of the argument. First, Jesus is using the tree as a metaphor to show the futility of meaningless worship. Though the people were worshipping Him outwardly as their king, they had not made Him the ruler of their hearts. Second, Jesus is showing the gravity of sin by cleansing the temple and teaching His disciples to examine the need in their own hearts before addressing the need of others. Jesus is not showing His disciples how to kill trees or move mountains. He is showing them the power of the gospel to transform lives.


Jesus’ explanation begins by saying, “Have faith in God.” In the Gospel according to Matthew Jesus tells His disciples that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed they could move mountains. The point of this text is to show that faith does not derive its power from the one exercising it but from the one in whom it is focused. Nothing is impossible with God. Psalm 46 declares, “Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea.” Why? Because, “God is our refuge and strength.” Faith, directed toward God makes the impossible possible. Just as Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the thousands, calmed the storms, and walked on water, nothing in this reality will prevent His will from happening. This does not give all believers the power to control their present reality, but it does give them access to the one who is in complete control of all things.


In this instance, Jesus is preparing His disciples for His death. They won’t understand this lesson at first, but once the seed of faith begins to germinate they are going to see amazing things accomplished through them for the Kingdom of God.


True faith is not a trick to warp reality. Faith is focused on God and His Kingdom. Let’s pray as Jesus taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth, even as it is in heaven.” When we have faith as our vision and we are living on mission, we will see great things happening in our lives.