Forgiveness and Reconciliation by Micah Lovell

Forgiveness and Reconciliation by Micah Lovell Genesis 37-50

Every new year, hope springs eternal about the prospect of starting over, at least for the first few days. Eventually, “making all things new” feels like another task that only causes us to feel worse about ourselves, with the mantra “another year, another you” proving itself false yet again. There within the act of all […]

God Will Provoke, Prove, and Provide by Adam Miller

God Will Provoke, Prove, and Provide by Adam Miller

I remember when I first dedicated my life to full time ministry. It was at a campfire service almost 25 years ago. My dad was asking people to come forward and throw their stick in the fire, a symbol of our lives as burnt offerings to God. Believe it or not, I was shy as […]