The Heavens Declare the Glory of God | Psalm 19

Read: Psalm 19 Read: Matthew 6:16-34 One of my favorite things to do is go camping. There are several aspects that are particularly enjoyable for me. First, I love to be in nature and just appreciate all of the wonder of God’s creation. Secondly, it’s important to just stop and look around every once in […]

When the Nations Rage | Psalm 2

Read: Psalm 2 Read: Revelation 5 I think it is safe to say that, as a result of a confluence of crises, tensions are high. Really high. There seems to be a collective concern with what is happening globally. It’s no wonder that there are riots on the streets. The surface tension has broken.  You […]

summer trees

How Long, Oh Lord?: The Expectation Of Hope By Micah Lovell

For thousands of years, the book of Psalms has been one of the go-to locations for Christians in times of crisis. The ancients lived extremely difficult lives, enduring hardships that we take for granted in the modern day. But those of us living in the 21st century still endure hardships, though of a much different […]

The Righteous Prosper by Adam Miller

Read: Psalm 1 Read: Matthew 5:1-16 Someone once said that if a picture paints a thousand words, then a poem paints a thousand pictures. When we add music to poetry and imagery, it makes it stick inside our soul. Have you ever been driving down the road, listening to the radio, and you hear a […]

Getting Back to a Heart of Worship by Adam Miller

The world has changed. How could it not? So many things have happened in such a short period of time. No one could have predicted the strange events if they had all happened in isolation from each other, but they all came at us at once and with such a force that knocked us off […]

The Psalms Move Us

Any piece of literature that has been cultivated, preserved, read and re-read, chanted, sung, said aloud and in quiet, taught, studied, memorized and proclaimed for millennia is worthy of the status of classic. But that word seems too mild for the book of Psalms.    The Psalms are expansive, reflecting the nearly 1000 year period […]

Fellowship with God: Believing in the Son

Read: I John 5:1-21 Read: Galatians 5:13-6:6 There are so many problems facing our world today. That might just be the greatest understatement of 2020. I’d wager that nobody imagined how bad things were going to get, and we haven’t even made it to the election in November yet. All I can say is, brace […]

Fellowship with God: Loving One Another

Read: I John 4:11-5:5 Read: John 3:1-21 Imagine you’re driving on the road to get something to eat, you see an ice cream shop and you think to yourself, “I’m going to have to come back to that after dinner.” You could stop and get your dessert first, there’s no judgement here, but it’s probably […]