
Easter Week: Monday

Monday, April 15, 2019 Read: Luke 19:45-48

I remember when I was in little league baseball and we had to sell candy bars to raise money for our team. My parents wouldn’t let me sell them in the Church because they didn’t want to turn it into a den of thieves and somehow have my money table turned over by an overzealous deacon. However, I was allowed to sell them in the parking lot where no one would draw any parallels to Jesus driving out the money changers.

Monday is quite the contrast from the day before as Jesus ripped through the temple enraged by the corruption. The disciples would have been watching. Despite the adoration Jesus had received the day before, the temple corruption had gone unchanged. The people had worshipped Him, but they hadn’t repented.

Jesus said that the Temple should be a house of prayer. Perhaps the disciples just thought that He was irritable. When Jesus was in Galilee, He would go off into the wilderness to be alone in prayer. Maybe they cheered Jesus on from the sidelines as they watched Him attack the corrupted system. One thing they didn’t consider was how they too had a corrupted system that needed to be purged by Jesus.

It is easy for us to think that by following Jesus we are a step ahead of everyone else. Yet our whole devotion to Christ is dependent on His grace. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we must repent daily of the things that would compromise our worship of Jesus.

Mark your prayers today with confession and repentance.

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