sky and clouds

Why Study the Book of Revelation? by Stephen Witmer

Editor’s Note: For the next two months we will be studying the book of Revelation on the radio, in interviews, and in writing. Be sure to tune in or visit us online to follow along. There’s an old expression, Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. It means we’re usually unwise to offend someone who […]

women praying

God Feels, So Should You by Courtney Reissig

I’ve always had a rocky relationship with my feelings. I’ve spent a lot of my adult life wrestling with these emotions that seem so potent and real, with a perception that to feel too deeply signified a lack of faith. Am I faithless when I ask God “how long”? Can I still say I trust […]

man on box

This is a Gospel Issue! by Adam Miller

“This is a Gospel issue!” It’s a statement I’ve heard over and over again in the past few months. It’s not a new claim, but it does seem to be rising in our conversations as Christians try to position themselves to answer the fallout of the various crises plaguing our communities.  Whenever there is trouble, […]

summer trees

How Long, Oh Lord?: The Expectation Of Hope By Micah Lovell

For thousands of years, the book of Psalms has been one of the go-to locations for Christians in times of crisis. The ancients lived extremely difficult lives, enduring hardships that we take for granted in the modern day. But those of us living in the 21st century still endure hardships, though of a much different […]

Getting Back to a Heart of Worship by Adam Miller

The world has changed. How could it not? So many things have happened in such a short period of time. No one could have predicted the strange events if they had all happened in isolation from each other, but they all came at us at once and with such a force that knocked us off […]

10 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood by Ray Ortlund Jr.

10 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood by Ray Ortlund Jr.

In public, my dad was one of the great pastors of his generation. In private, my dad was the same man. There was only one Ray Ortlund, Sr. — an authentic Christian man. The distance between what I saw in the New Testament and what I saw in my dad was slight. He was the […]

What the World Needs Now, Is Love, God’s Love by Adam Miller

I vividly remember studying through the epistles of the Apostle John in my first year of Bible college. For such a short series of books, it evoked a lot of debate. The central theme is love. At the time, we were high minded intellectuals, fresh out of high school and still in our teenage years. […]


Gospel Hope For a Weary Mom by Sarah Walton

I rose before the sun and made my coffee, desperate for time in God’s Word before the day’s chaos erupted in my home. I was emotionally weary and physically exhausted, but was determined to start my day off with what I knew I needed most – time with the Lord. So I grabbed my Bible, […]

A Word to the Wise by Adam Miller

A Word to the Wise by Adam Miller

Have you ever completely ignored the advice of your parents, only to end up regretting it later on in life? I broke my big toe while on a short term mission trip in Kenya when I was fifteen. When I went to the hospital to get a cast, they told me I would have to […]


EASTER SUNDAY: WHOM ARE YOU SEEKING? APRIL 12, 2020 READ: JOHN 20:1-21:25 “Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?’” – John 20:15 We’ve spent a week walking through the final days of Jesus, and now we get to the culmination of our time together. There have been plenty of […]

Ancient Truths, Ever New: The Story of an Easter Hymn by Micah Lovell

Christ the Lord is Risen Today When Christians gather together on Easter Sunday, they greet each other with an ancient phrase: “The Lord is risen”. Typically this is followed by a response: “He is risen, indeed.” Together, both will say “Alleluia”, which means “Praise to the Lord”. This greeting brings an affirmation of a truth […]


SATURDAY: APRIL 11, 2020 READ: JOHN 19:38-42 “So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen cloths with the spices, as is the burial custom of the Jews.” – John 19:40 It was a dark day when Jesus died. The shadow of the cross was looming over all of His followers. Their […]