APRIL 7, 2020

READ: JOHN 14:1-31

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” - John 14:6 This verse has been picked apart more than any of the other “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John. People get really offended by this exclusive claim of Christ. When I taught on the passage where Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life,” I mentioned that the first “I Am” statement is actually the most offensive. It’s hard to wrap our mind around it until we read the context, but more people stopped following Jesus when He said He was bread than when He said He was the only way.

At this point, there is no one left to walk away. Judas is gone. Only the eleven remained with Him in His final hours before He was betrayed.

Here, Jesus is trying to comfort His disciples. He has just told them that He’s going to be leaving them. He doesn’t want them to be afraid. He wants to bolster their faith by offering them hope. He is going to build a house for them, He is going to bring them to the Father, and He is going to give them the Holy Spirit as a comforter.

When Jesus makes this exclusive claim He is saying, “It’s okay. You put your trust in the right place. I am the way, the truth, and the life.


Adam Miller is the president and host of Songtime Radio and serves as the pastor of South Chatham Community Church. This article is a condensed version of one of his sermons.