In seeking the treasures of this world, where moth and rust destroy (Matthew 6:19), we are distracted from the eternal treasures that are only achieved through self sacrifice.

A scan of the world today does not present a positive outlook for the Church. How can the kingdom of God be advancing when there are so many strongholds of evil? We see it globally when terrorists persecute Christians. We see it in the corruption of our own government which limits Christian liberties. We see it in our communities as violence, crime, and drug abuse and addiction enslave our neighbors. We see it in our own families when children and grandchildren are being indoctrinated by the world, and walking away from the faith. 

How can the church thrive, or even survive, when there are so many obstacles standing in the way? We have struggled and toiled with various strategies, but our efforts have made little impact. 

Jesus said that He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He faced opposition, took an unconventional approach, and His kingdom spread despite the overwhelming odds. Throughout His life, ministry, and teaching, He gives us the keys of the kingdom so that we can continue His work in advancing the gospel.

Let’s begin by examining the gates of opposition that Jesus faced before noting the keys which advance His kingdom. 


This section in the Gospel of Matthew begins with the death of John the Baptist (Matthew 14:1-12). He was beheaded by Herod because John had taken a public and vocal stance on moral principle, calling out the governor’s immorality. Jesus draws on this point when He asks His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is (Matthew 16:13)?” In hearing of Jesus’ miracles and ministry, Herod had concluded that He was John the Baptist raised from the dead. This ties the narratives together. 

It surprised the disciples when Jesus told them that He was going to Jerusalem where He would suffer a similar fate (Matthew 16:21). This doesn’t seem like the logical path forward. You don’t advance your position by surrounding yourself with the enemy. But Jesus had already instructed the disciples that this was the way His kingdom operated. The beatitudes boldly proclaim, “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:10).” 

There is a temptation today among many believers that the way to advance the kingdom of God is through politics. However, Jesus didn’t give the keys to governing authorities, and they have often been on the opposite side of the church. Jesus would die on a Roman cross, and His disciples would be thrown in prison multiple times throughout their ministry, most of them facing martyrdom at the hands of the State. 

Nevertheless, the church has thrived for thousands of years without government assistance. This does not mean that we should be looking for ways to invite persecution or hasten the advancement of evil policies, but we should not fear the threats made against us. Instead, we should be bold in proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, we should speak out against evil, and we should remember the words of Jesus, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Matthew 10:28).” 

Jesus would suffer and die, but it is through His death that He would achieve the victory for the kingdom of God. What appears, on the surface, to be a defeat is what elevated Jesus to His seat on the throne. 


Throughout the Gospel narratives, we see Jesus’ ministry primarily opposed by the religious leaders. To this day, the most dangerous gates of hell exist inside the walls of the church among the wolves in sheep’s clothing. These are those who claim to be of us but have never bowed the knee to Jesus.

The Pharisees didn’t want the kingdom of God to advance because it would put their own kingdoms in jeopardy. They were caught up in traditions, using their man made laws to control the people of God (Matthew 15:1-9). They stood in the way between God and His people, suggesting that their path was the only way to heaven, but they had shut the kingdom of God in the people’s faces (Matthew 23:13). Jesus warned His disciples to watch out for the leaven of the Pharisees (Matthew 16:6). A Pharisee’s influence seems small at first, but it spreads quickly and permeates the entire church. 

We don’t take this opposition seriously enough. There are far too many false teachers in the church who have twisted the gospel message to suit their own purposes. They are fleecing the flock. If the church of God is not advancing it is because it must first unburden itself from the corruption within. 


As bad as the opposition of the governing authorities and the religious leaders were, there is another, less obvious gate that must be broken down. We see this in Peter’s response after Jesus tells His disciples that He is heading to Jerusalem where He will suffer and die. 

Peter, who just a few verses earlier confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16), pulls Jesus aside to rebuke Him, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you (Matthew 16:22).”

Jesus’ response is harsh, but it tells us a great deal about the opposition the kingdom of God faces from well meaning confessing believers. Jesus says, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me (Matthew 16:23).” This takes us back to the third temptation of Jesus in the wilderness (Matthew 4:8-10). The devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, if He would simply fall down and worship Him. If Jesus had taken the offer, He would have been made king over all creation, but it was a creation that would rust and corrode. It would not have been redeemed or restored. 

Peter’s rebuke seems reasonable. Anyone faced with a plan that led to their ultimate demise would look for an alternative solution. We don’t want to suffer. This encounter reveals the problem of why many churches are not advancing. Peter is suggesting that Jesus take a safer path, but Peter had his mind set on the things of man, not the things of God (Matthew 16:23). 

This is a very subtle obstacle for believers and the church. In seeking the treasures of this world, where moth and rust destroy (Matthew 6:19), we are distracted from the eternal treasures that are only achieved through self sacrifice. Everything in this world will pass away. Only what is done for Christ will remain. 


How, then, do we advance the kingdom of God? By denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Christ (Matthew 16:24). We must set our eyes on the goal that Christ has set forth, not the kingdoms of this world. We must confess where our dreams of prosperity have clouded our vision of God’s glory. 

He who was given all authority has recruited us to go into all of the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:18-19). This is the mission of the church. We cannot do this on our own. We are all individual members of one body, the Body of Christ. When we come together as the church, it is to continue His work. We are to be a city on the hill; salt and light to our communities (Matthew 5:13-16). 

We must learn from Christ the importance of obedience to the mission of God. He laid down His life for us. We must offer our lives as living sacrifices. What are we willing to give for the advancement of the kingdom of God? The principle of the cross teaches us that we will only gain by losing. By forfeiting our comfort and safety for the cause of Christ, we are gaining a greater reward in glory. We need to lay up our treasures in heaven, seek first the kingdom of God, and leverage all that we have for the advancement of the gospel. 

Those are the keys of the kingdom, and with them, the church will prevail over the gates of hell.

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