APRIL 5, 2020

READ: JOHN 12:12-50

“Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you.” - John 12:35

This passage is bookended by prophecies and quotes about Jesus from the Old Testament, but John wants us to know that the disciples only figured this out after the fact. Nobody in this story really understands Jesus. The disciples have no clue, the Pharisees consider Him a threat, and the crowds are hoping He will be their liberating king.

A week before, Jesus had performed His greatest miracle yet by raising Lazarus from the dead. Word got around quickly and that is why so many people were there to worship Him as He came into the city of Jerusalem.

Most of us will go to Church this morning to celebrate Palm Sunday and we will join with the saints in singing, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” But John wants to frame this celebration in the shadow of what is to come.

The triumphal entry was just the rally before the fight. Jesus is about to face His darkest moment. It will seem that all is lost, but He reassures His followers that it is through His death that they will overcome.


Adam Miller is the president and host of Songtime Radio and serves as the pastor of South Chatham Community Church. This article is a condensed version of one of his sermons.